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If you want interactive, fun lessons and group activities, these lessons are for you!

Companies are NOW looking for employees with strong emotional intelligence, since it is lacking tremendously in your younger generation today and lessons 4-5 will absolutely improve student's emotional intelligence skills for their future career.



The students will begin discussing the warm-up by attending a simulated business/team meeting with the class. In this lesson, students will focus on learning Microsoft Office tips and then produce an emotional intelligence characteristics and definitions worksheet. A rubric will be distributed for the students to understand the assignment expectations.



  • Smart Board or Dry Erase Board
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • Computer
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Internet
  • Microsoft WORD Tips Reference Worksheet
  • 15 Emotional Intelligence Characteristics and Definitions Worksheet
  • 15 Emotional Intelligence Characteristics and Definitions Worksheet KEY
  • 15 Emotional Intelligence Characteristics and Definitions Rubric



  • Two days for students that previously know the basics of Microsoft Office WORD and two to three days for students that have not been introduced to Microsoft Office WORD.
  • 60–75-minute classes





  • Students will attend a business meeting setting as if they were employed in the real business world.
  • Students will understand clear and concise oral directions and then apply the emotional intelligence characteristics to an accomplished Microsoft Office WORD task.
  • Students will receive a tips reference worksheet for inserting Microsoft Office WORD tables.
  • Students will review and demonstrate how to insert a Microsoft Office table into a WORD document.
  • Students will demonstrate how to shade, bold, italicize, center, change font color and size, and number text in an emotional intelligence document.
  • Students will research the 15 characteristic definitions of emotional intelligence on the internet and input the definitions.
  • Students will formulate their own emotional intelligence Microsoft Office WORD document by inserting a table and typing in the characteristics and definitions.





  • Students may receive support exercising the internet and using Microsoft Office WORD for assistance from one of the classroom Assistant Managers or student mentors chosen by the teacher, if necessary.
  • If you would like to designate your students as managers, go to page 6 for the link.



  • These lessons will be more beneficial after you teach the Emotional Intelligence lessons 1-3, but you could still utilize them separately if you want.
  • Lessons 4-5 will be the next step to the final unit of Emotional Intelligence (EI).
  • Below are the objectives for lessons 1-3 for you to review.





  • Students will understand the importance of how emotional intelligence is instituted in everyday life, as well as the business world.
  • Students will memorize the definition of emotional intelligence through a group activity.
  • Students will observe a role-play example of emotional intelligence.
  • Students will take a quiz on the definition of emotional intelligence.
  • Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate a business manager role as if it’s in the real world.





  • Students will complete a quiz on the definition of emotional intelligence from Lesson 1.
  • Students will participate in an emotional intelligence (EI) characteristics and definitions group activity.
  • Students will work in groups to learn the definitions and characteristics of emotional intelligence.
  • Students will complete the 15 emotional intelligences (EI) and definitions matching worksheet with a partner.
  • Students will understand the importance of how emotional intelligence is instituted in everyday life, as well as the business world.
  • Students will observe a role-play using examples of emotional intelligence.





  • Students will take a TEST on matching (EI) characteristics and definitions from Lesson 2.
  • Students will create their own (EI) characteristics silly word through a worksheet activity.
  • Students will list their (EI) characteristics silly word on the dry erase board for the class to view.
  • Students will observe a comparison between their peer’s silly words.
  • Students will work with a partner to share the emotional intelligence SILLY WORD that they created and then generate a specific strategy to memorize all the (EI) characteristics.


Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.

Total Pages

34 pages

Answer Key

Included with rubric

Teaching Duration

2 days

Emotional Intelligence LESSONS 4-5

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